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Wanda Ediviani
Abstrak :
Jerami padi merupakan salah satu limbah pertanian yang sangat melimpah di Indonesia. Jerami padi mengandung polisakarida dalam bentuk selulosa dan hemiselulosa, yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku dalam produksi bioetanol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektivitas produksi bioetanol dari sampel hidrolisat jerami padi dengan menggunakan ragi roti (ragi kering-Fermipan) dan ragi tapai (ragi padat-Sae). Penelitian dilakukan dengan memfermentasikan sampel menggunakan kedua jenis ragi tersebut dan isolat murni khamir Saccharomyces cerevisiae sebagai kontrol. Kadar glukosa diukur menggunakan glucometer dan kadar bioetanol dianalisis menggunakan high-performance liquid chromatography. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan Split Plot Design dengan dua faktor perlakuan; pemberian ragi (R) dan waktu fermentasi (T). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua jenis ragi pada produksi kadar bioetanol dari sampel memberikan pengaruh yang tidak berbeda nyata; namun perlakuan Sae menghasilkan kadar bioetanol yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan Fermipan; laju produksi bioetanol pada perlakuan Sae juga lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan laju produksi bioetanol pada perlakuan Fermipan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah perlakuan Sae lebih efektif dalam memproduksi bioetanol dari sampel hidrolisat jerami padi. ......Rice straw is one of the most abundant agricultural waste in Indonesia. Rice straw contains polysaccharide in the form of cellulose and hemicellulose, which can be used as raw materials in the production of bioethanol. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of bioethanol production from rice straw‘s hydrolyzate using baker's yeast (dry starter - Fermipan) and tapai‘s starter (solid starter - Sae). Research was carried out by fermenting the sample using two types of starters with a control of pure yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Glucose level was measured by using glucometer and ethanol level was analyzed by using high-performance liquid chromatography. This study using Split Plot Design with two treatment factors; starter‘s inoculum (R) and time of fermentation (T). The study shows that both types of starters has no significant difference on the bioethanol level production; however, Sae‘s treatment produced higher level of bioethanol compared to the Fermipan‘s; rate of bioethanol production at Sae‘s treatment is also higher than the rate of bioethanol production in Fermipan‘s. The conclusion of the study is Sae is more effective in producing bioethanol from rice straw hydrolyzate samples.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syaidah Fitri
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Anadara granosa dan Cerithidea obtusa merupakan sumber makanan yang penting bagi masyarakat di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi. Anadara granosa dan Cerithidea obtusa yang memiliki habitat di kawsan hutan mangrove, dapat menyebabkan organisme tersebut sangat rentan terkontaminasi berbagai bahan pencemar. Salah satu bahan yang dapat mencemari ekosistem mangrove yaitu mikroplastik. Fungsi hutan mangrove sebagai filter biologis alami marine debris yang berasal dari darat dan laut, dapat menyebabkan mikroplastik melimpah di kawasan hutan mangrove. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel kerang Anadara granosa, keong Cerithidea obtusa, sedimen dan air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 100% sampel mengandung mikroplastik. Jenis mikroplastik yang ditemukan pada sampel adalah fiber, film dan fragmen. Fiber adalah jenis mikroplastik yang paling banyak ditemukan pada sampel kerang dan air. Pada sampel kerang, fiber ditemukan sebanyak 180,6 ± 21,22 partikel/individu dan 4,1 ± 0,43 partikel/g kerang. Fiber ditemukan pada sampel air sebanyak 128,3 ± 0,15 partikel/L. Sungai di indikasikan sebagai sumber mikroplastik menuju laut. Stasiun 1 pengambilan sampel yang berada di dekat muara sungai memiliki konsentrasi mikroplastik yang lebih tinggi dengan jumlah 448,3 ± 53,92 mikroplastik/individu, dibandingkan dengan stasiun 3 yang hanya 420,3 ± 42,66 mikroplastik/individu. Berdasarkan uji korelasi, jumlah mikroplastik pada Anadara granosa berkorelasi dengan massa kerang. Korelasi juga ditunjukkan antara jumlah mikroplastik pada air dan kerang, serta mikroplastik pada sedimen dan kerang secara keseluruhan. Hasil penelitian pada keong Cerithidea obtusa ditemukan mikroplastik sebanyak 167 ± 16,01 partikel/individu. Film merupakan jenis mikroplastik yang paling banyak ditemukan pada keong sebanyak 5,4 ± 0,69 partikel/g keong. Film juga merupakan jenis mikroplastik yang paling banyak ditemukan pada sedimen yaitu 3,7 ± 0,28 partikel/g. Berdasarkan stasiun pengambilan sampel, stasiun 1 memiliki jumlah mikroplastik tertinggi 190 ± 37,74 partikel/stasiun. Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa massa Cerithidae obtusa berkorelasi terhadap jumlah mikroplastik yang mencemarinya. Korelasi juga ditunjukkan antara mikroplastik jenis film pada sedimen terhadap mikroplastik jenis film pada keong.
ABSTRACT Anadara granosa and Cerithidea obtusa are important food sources for people in the West Tanjung Jabung District, Jambi. Anadara granosa and Cerithidea obtusa which have habitat in the mangrove forest area, can cause these organisms to be very susceptible to contamination with various pollutants. One ingredient that can pollute mangrove ecosystems is microplastic. The function of mangrove forests as a biological filter for marine debris that originates from land and sea can cause microplastic abundance in the mangrove forest area. This study used samples of Anadara granosa mussels, Cerithidea obtusa snails, sediment and water. The results showed that 100% of the samples contained microplastic. The types of microplastic found in the sample are fiber, film and fragments. Fiber is the type of microplastic that is most commonly found in mussels and water samples. In the mussels sample, fiber was found as much as 180.6 ± 21.22 particles/individual and 4.1 ± 0.43 particles/g mussel. Fiber is found in water samples of 128,3 ± 0.15 particles/L. The river is indicated as a microplastic source to the sea. Station 1 sampling near the river mouth has a higher microplastic concentration with 448.3 ± 53.92 microplastic/indiviual, compared with station 3 which is only 420.3 ± 42.66 microplastic/individual. Based on the correlation test, the number of microplastic in Anadara granosa correlated with the mass of mussel. Correlation is also shown between the number of microplastic in water and mussel, as well as microplastic in sediments and mussels as a whole. The results of the study on the Cerithidea obtusa snail were found microplastic as much as 167 ± 16.01 particles/individual. The film is a type of microplastic which is most commonly found in snails as much as 5.4 ± 0.69 particles/g snail. Film is also the most common type of microplastic found in sediments, namely 3.7 ± 0.28 particles/g. Based on the sampling station, station 1 had the highest microplastic number of 190 ± 37.74 particles/station. The results of the correlation analysis showed that the mass of the Cerithidea obtusa correlated with the number of microplastic contaminants. Correlation was also shown between microplastic types of films in sediments to microplastic types of films in snails.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Revina Indra Putri
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap perspektif masyarakat lokal terhadap satuan-satuan lanskap serta mengungkap pengetahuan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya hayati, terutama sumber daya tumbuhan, oleh masyarakat lokal Pulau Serangan, Bali. Metode penelitian ini diadaptasi dari Multidisiplinary Landscape Assessment (MLA). Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi langsung, diskusi kelompok fokus (FGD-Focus Group Discussion), metode distribusi kerikil (PDM-Pebble Distribution Method), serta analisis Local User?s Value Index (LUVI). Terdapat 146 spesies dari 55 famili tumbuhan yang dikenali masyarakat yang tersebar di berbagai satuan lanskap. Satuan-satuan lanskap tersebut yaitu karang/natah (80 spesies tumbuhan), bet muda (54 spesies tumbuhan), bet tua (79 spesies tumbuhan), padang-padang (11 spesies tumbuhan), pasih (7 spesies tumbuhan), kanal, lagun, danau, dan segara. Satuan lanskap pasih memperoleh nilai LUVI tertinggi (24 %). Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 132 spesies tumbuhan yang dikenali masyarakat di Pulau Serangan, yang diketahui memiliki manfaat sebagai makanan (9,25 %), obat-obatan (6,94 %), kayu bakar (4,31 %). teknologi lokal dan seni (5,38 %), pewarna (3,50 %), sumber penghasilan (8,625 %), ritual/adat (6 %), bahan pakan ternak (5,31 %), dan penunjang rekreasi/wisata (6,75 %). Selain tumbuhan, masyarakat juga memanfaatkan sumber daya lain seperti fauna pesisir dan laut serta makroalga. Untuk pemanfaatan sumber daya hayati pulau secara keseluruhan, dua kategori pemanfaatan dengan nilai LUVI tertinggi berturut-turut yakni sumber penghasilan (19 %) dan bahan makanan (18 %). ......This research attempts to reveal the relationship of the Serangan local people and their landscape, as well as their utilization of biological resources. Data were collected by conducting interview, direct observation in the site of the research, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Pebble Distribution Method (PDM) and Local User?s Value Index (LUVI) analysis. A total of 146 plant species, distributed in 55 families were cited. The result also showed that Serangan local people identified nine landscape units, namely karang/natah (80 plant species), bet muda (54 plant species), bet tua (79 plant species), padang-padang (11 plant species), pasih (7 plant species), kanal, lagun, danau, and segara. Pasih, kanal, lagun, danau, and segara generally have potential in coastal and marine natural resources. Since each landscape unit differs in biological resources composition, the local people utilize and manage each of them differently. According to the local people?s perspective, the pasih landscape unit gained the highest LUVI score (24 %). The result also showed that a total of 132 useful plant species were used by Serangan people for food (9.25%), medicinal plant (6.94 %), firewood (4.31 %), local technology and art (5.38 %), food-coloring (3,50 %), revenue (8.625 %), ritual/tradition (6 %), livestock fodder (5.31 %), and recreation/tourism (6.75 %). Serangan people also utilize other biological resources such as coastal and marine fauna as well as macroalgae. In terms of utilization of the whole biological resources, two categories with the highest LUVI score respectively are revenue (19 %) and food (18 %).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Hesdianti
Abstrak :
Luas padang lamun di Pulau Panjang Teluk Banten terus menurun akibat aktivitas industri di sekitar Teluk Banten Hilangnya padang lamun merugikan dikarenakan kapasitas lamun dalam menyerap dan menyimpan karbon dalam jumlah besar dan waktu yang lama Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui struktur komunitas lamun estimasi laju penyerapan karbon pada lamun Enhalus acoroides dan Cymodocea serrulata beserta nutrien di Pulau Panjang Teluk Banten Komunitas lamun diukur menggunakan metode analisis vegetasi di 3 stasiun pengamatan Penyerapan karbon diukur menggunakan metode penandaan daun Zieman pada 30 tegakan lamun selama 21 hari Kandungan karbon pada lamun dan sedimen di analisis menggunakan metode Wakley Black sedangkan nutrien N P menggunakan metode Kjedahl untuk nitrogen dan metode Bray Kurts untuk fosfat Lamun yang ditemukan di Pulau Panjang yaitu Enhalus acoroides Cymodocea serrulata Syringodium isoetifolium Halophila ovalis dan Halodule uninervis Padang lamun didominansi oleh S isoetifolium dengan nilai kepentingan IV 119 90 Estimasi karbon yang diserap E acoroides dan C serrulata adalah 1 58 gC m2 hari dan 0 31 gC m2 hari dan karbon tersimpan yaitu 142 88 gC m2 untuk E acoroides dan 18 91 gC m2 untuk C serrulata Lamun mengandung 42 91 44 08 karbon dan
Seagrass bed in Panjang Island Banten Bay has been decreased due to industry activities Seagrass loss was demetrial because seagrass has capacity in uptake and store carbon in greater scale The aims of research were to gain the seagrass community structure and to estimate carbon uptake and store by seagrass Enhalus acoroides and Cymodocea serrulata also it rsquo s nutrient content in Panjang Island Banten Bay Seagrass community was measured using vegetation analysis method Carbon uptake using Zieman leaf marking method The method was examined at 30 seagrass shoots for 21 days Carbon storage in seagrass also in sediment was analyzed using Wakley Black method There were 5 species seagrass found in Panjang Island Enhalus acoroides Cymodocea serrulata Syringodium isoetifolium Halophila ovalis and Halodule uninervis Seagrass was dominated by S isoetifolium with Importance Value IV 119 90 Seagrass condition on Panjang Island was medium high desity 235 03 ind m2 and good coverage 60 16 Estimation of carbon uptake by E acoroides and C serrulata in Panjang Island were 1 58 gC m2 d and 0 31 gC m2 d while carbon storage were 142 88 gC m2 and 18 91 gC m2 respectively Nutrient in seagrass contained of 42 91 44 08 carbon less than 0 91 nitrogent and phospate under 0 23 ppm Conversely nutrient on the sediment has much greater phosphate average 104 54 116 76 ppm and less than 1 carbon and nitrogent
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nova Maulidina Ashuri
Abstrak :
Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret--Juni 2013 di Hutan Mangrove Pancer Cengkrong, Trenggalek, Jawa Timur. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi komposisi vegetasi, potensi stok karbon, produksi, laju dekomposisi dan kontribusi nutrisi serasah mangrove. Komposisi vegetasi diukur menggunakan transek kuadran. Stok karbon diestimasi dengan persamaan allometrik. Produksi serasah dihitung menggunakan perangkap serasah ukuran 1x1m2. Laju dekomposisi serasah diukur selama 56 hari dengan pengamatan 2 minggu sekali. Kontribusi serasah ke perairan diperoleh dengan menyaring serasah pada saluran air saat laut surut. Sebanyak 26 spesies telah diidentifikasi (17 mangrove sejati dan 9 mangrove asosiasi). Vegetasi pohon didominasi oleh Sonneratia alba J.E. Smith dengan kerapatan 596 pohon/ha sedangkan anakan dan semai didominasi Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C.B. Robinson (kerapatan 1.745 anakan/ha; 34.745 semai/ha). Stok karbon dan biomassa total di lokasi penelitian masing-masing 185,81 ton/ha dan 400,45 ton/ha (total serapan CO2 sebesar 681,91 ton/ha). Sebagian besar sumbangan stok karbon berasal dari S. alba, Rhizophora apiculata Blume, dan Avicennia alba Blume. Produksi serasah 1,42 g/m2/hari, tersusun atas daun 84%, organ reproduksi 9% dan ranting 7%. Potensi nutrisi serasah 0,4 gC/m2/hari dan 0,012 gN/m2/hari. Serasah dilepas ke perairan sebesar 11,15 g/m3/hari. Laju dekomposisi serasah daun paling cepat ialah R. apiculata (0,20 g/hari). Nilai nutrisi tertinggi terdapat pada S. alba dengan rasio C:N 62,90. ......Research has been conducted in March--June 2013 on the Mangrove Forest Cengkrong Pancer, Trenggalek, East Java. The objectives were to obtain information of vegetation composition, potential carbon stocks, production, decomposition rates, and nutrient contribution of mangrove litter. There were 50 quadrants on tree stations for vegetation analysis. Potential carbon stock was calculated by allometric equations. Littertrap size 1x1 m2 used to calculate litter production. Decomposition rate calculated for 56 days by once observation in two weeks. Litter contribution to waters was obtained by filtering water channel at low tide. The total of 26 species were identified (17 true mangroves and 9 association mangroves). The vegetation dominated by Sonneratia alba J.E. Smith (596 trees/ha) while the saplings and seedlings dominated by Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C.B. Robinson (1,745 saplings/ha; 34,745 seedlings/ha). Total biomass were 400.45 ton/ha and carbon stocks 185.81 ton/ha (CO2 uptake 681,91 ton/ha). The carbon stocks were donated from S. alba, Rhizophora apiculata Blume, dan Avicennia alba Blume. The production of litter was 1.42 g/m2/day consisting of leaves 84%, reproductive organs 9%, and twigs 7% respectively. The litter contained 0.4 gC/m2/day and 0.012 gN/m2/day. In addition 11.15 g/m3/day litters flow towards the waters during high tide. The fastest decomposition rate of leaf litter was R. apiculata (0.20 g/day). While the highest nutritional value from S. alba with C:N ratio of 62.90.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Unversitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eldia Anggidenia
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai potensi makroalga alami Sargassum polycystum dan makroalga budidaya Eucheuma cottonii dalam menyerap dan menyimpan karbon serta nutrien di Pulau Panjang, Teluk Banten telah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober hingga November 2014. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju penyerapan karbon, kandungan nutrien dan produktivitas primer dari makroalga S. polycystum dan E. cottonii. Lokasi penelitian terletak di bagian hamparan gosong karang dan berlumpur dengan kedalaman 0,5-5 m. Pengamatan pertumbuhan dan laju penyerapan karbon menggunakan metode penandaan thallus pada 30 sampel makroalga setiap hari selama 7 hari. Sampel makroalga selanjutnya dianalisis kandungan nutriennya. Hasil penelitian didapatkan estimasi laju penyerapan karbon S. polycystum dan E. cottonii adalah 0,0081 gC/hari dan 0,0083 gC/hari. Kandungan karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat di S. polycystum adalah sebanyak 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% sedangkan kadar karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat di E. cottonii adalah 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006%. Berdasarkan analisis statistik dengan uji t, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada laju pertumbuhan, kandungan nitrogen dan fosfat S. polycystum dengan E. cottonii. Sedangkan untuk kandungan karbon tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara S. polycystum dengan E. cottonii. Selanjutnya, uji korelasi didapatkan bahwa adanya korelasi antara laju pertumbuhan S. polycystum dan E. cottonii dengan kandungan nitrogen masing- masing sedangkan antara laju pertumbuhan dengan kandungan karbon dan fosfat tidak terdapat korelasi. Produktivitas primer diukur dengan metode botol terang dan botol gelap yang dimodifikasi. Pengukuran produktivitas primer dilakukan pada kedalaman 0,5 m untuk S. polycystum dan 0,1 m untuk E. cottonii. Kandungan oksigen terlarut diukur dengan DO meter. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata produktivitas primer S. polycystum sebesar 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/hari dan E. cottonii sebesar 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/hari.
The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day.;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day.;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day., The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meilisha Putri Pertiwi
Abstrak :
Penelitian komunitas ikan yang tertangkap dengan jaring push net dan kaitannya dengan produksi serasah hutan mangrove di Pulau Panjang, Teluk Banten telah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober?Desember 2014 saat pasang purnama. Tujuan penelitian untuk melihat keanekaragaman dan komunitas ikan serta mengetahui besarnya serasah yang dilepas ke perairan laut dan hubungan antara C, N, P serasah dengan C, N, P Chandidae (famili ikan dominan dalam penelitian). Metode penangkapan ikan dengan push net secara manual dan pemasangan perangkap serasah berupa paralon yang mengarah ke perairan laut di Stasiun 1 dan 2. Hasil tangkapan ikan yaitu 1.770 individu (14 famili, 16 marga, dan 22 spesies). Jumlah terbanyak di Stasiun 1 (1.213) dan bulan November (749). Nilai H? di Stasiun 1 (0,71) dan 2 (0,81) adalah rendah dan sedang, didukung rendahnya nilai E dan tingginya D. Sebanyak 51% ikan yang tertangkap adalah Ambassis gymnocephalus dari famili Chandidae. Ikan komersial yang tertangkap yaitu dari famili Mugilidae dan Serranidae. Mayoritas ikan yang tertangkap juga merupakan ikan penetap sejati (true resident) yaitu berjumlah 1.248 ekor. Biomassa serasah dan Chandidae terbesar yaitu di bulan Desember (219,49 g dan 75,85 g). Sementara Stasiun 1 memberikan biomassa terbesar untuk serasah (162,99 g) dan Stasiun 2 untuk Chandidae (19,14 g). Nilai serasah terbanyak yang dilepas ke laut yaitu pada bulan Desember di Stasiun 1 (47,47 g/m³/s). Nilai koefisien relasi C, N, P serasah dengan C, N, P Chandidae memberikan hasil yang sama yaitu 0,999. Model regresi yang terbentuk berturutturut yaitu Chandidae = 0,889 C Serasah, Chandidae = 11,367 N Serasah, dan Chandidae = 5,407 P Serasah. ...... The research of fish community and its correlation with the production of mangrove forest litter in Panjang Island, Banten Bay had been conducted from October to December 2014 while spring tide. The research?s aim was to know the fish diversity and fish community, to identify mangrove litter?s value to the sea and correlation between C, N, P of mangrove litter and C, N, P of Chandidae (the biggest fish family captured). The method was used push net manually active and also water pipes were put to captured mangrove?s litter to the sea at Station 1 and 2. In total, 1770 species were captured (14 families, 16 genera, and 22 species), the most large number were at Station 1 and in November (1.213 and 749 individus). H? value at Station 1 was low (0,71), meanwhile at Station 2 was moderate (0,81). It supported by low E value. 51% fish captured was Ambassis gymnocephalus from Chandidae family. Economic value fish captured were Mugilidae and Serranidae. Mostly fish captured also were true resident fish (1.248). The biggest biomass of mangrove litter was been at Station 1 (162,99 g), while Chandidae was been at Station 2 (19,14 g). The biggest removed mangrove litter to the sea water was in December and Station 1 (47,47 g/m³/s). The Pearson correlation from C, N, P of mangrove litter and C, N, P of Chandidae gave the same value (0,999). The model of Linear Regression were Chandidae = 0,889 C Mangrove litter, Chandidae = 11,367 N Mangrove litter, dan Chandidae = 5,407 P Mangrove litter.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eldia Anggidenia
Abstrak :
[Penelitian mengenai potensi makroalga alami Sargassum polycystum dan makroalga budidaya Eucheuma cottonii dalam menyerap dan menyimpan karbon serta nutrien di Pulau Panjang, Teluk Banten telah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober hingga November 2014. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju penyerapan karbon, kandungan nutrien dan produktivitas primer dari makroalga S. polycystum dan E. cottonii. Lokasi penelitian terletak di bagian hamparan gosong karang dan berlumpur dengan kedalaman 0,5-5 m. Pengamatan pertumbuhan dan laju penyerapan karbon menggunakan metode penandaan thallus pada 30 sampel makroalga setiap hari selama 7 hari. Sampel makroalga selanjutnya dianalisis kandungan nutriennya. Hasil penelitian didapatkan estimasi laju penyerapan karbon S. polycystum dan E. cottonii adalah 0,0081 gC/hari dan 0,0083 gC/hari. Kandungan karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat di S. polycystum adalah sebanyak 6,84%, 1,72% dan 0,009% sedangkan kandungan karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat di E. cottonii adalah 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006%. Berdasarkan analisis statistik dengan uji t, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada laju pertumbuhan, kandungan nitrogen dan fosfat S. polycystum dengan E. cottonii. Sedangkan untuk kandungan karbon tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara S. polycystum dengan E. cottonii. Selanjutnya, uji korelasi didapatkan bahwa adanya korelasi antara laju pertumbuhan S. polycystum dan E. cottonii dengan kandungan nitrogen masingmasing sedangkan antara laju pertumbuhan dengan kandungan karbon dan fosfat tidak terdapat korelasi. Produktivitas primer diukur dengan metode botol terang dan botol gelap yang dimodifikasi. Pengukuran produktivitas primer dilakukan pada kedalaman 0,5 m untuk S. polycystum dan 0,1 m untuk E. cottonii. Kandungan oksigen terlarut diukur dengan DO meter. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata produktivitas primer S. polycystum sebesar 10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/hari dan E. cottonii sebesar 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/hari.;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum and cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day and 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% and 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/day and E. cottonii was 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/day;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum and cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day and 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% and 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/day and E. cottonii was 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/day;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum and cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day and 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% and 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/day and E. cottonii was 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/day;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum and cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day and 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% and 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/day and E. cottonii was 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/day;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum and cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day and 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% and 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/day and E. cottonii was 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/day, The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum and cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day and 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% and 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/day and E. cottonii was 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/day]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Sari Nurhidayati
Abstrak :
Penelitian di ekosistem mangrove Tanjung Lesung, Banten bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang struktur dan komposisi vegetasi; potensi produksi dan kecepatan dekomposisi serasah, dan produksi C,N, P; serta kemampuan menyimpan dan menyerap karbon mangrove. Struktur dan komposisi vegetasi diukur dengan transek kuadrat dengan total luasan pengamatan 3300 m2. Produksi serasah dihitung menggunakan perangkap serasah ukuran 1x1 m2. Laju dekomposisi serasah diukur selama 84 hari dengan pengamatan setiap 14 hari sekali. Cadangan karbon diestimasi dengan persamaan allometrik. Total spesies vegetasi yang ditemukan di areal penelitian adalah 7 spesies dari 6 famili. Vegetasi tingkat pohon dan belta didominasi oleh Lumnitzera racemosa dengan kerapatan 670 pohon/ha dan 2252 pohon/ha. Produksi serasah sebesar 1,571 ± 0,924 g/m2/hari, tersusun atas daun 1,563 ± 0,916 gr/m2/hari (99,50%) dan ranting sebesar 0,008 ± 0,048 gr/m2/hari (0,50%). Laju dekomposisi serasah sebesar 0,09 ± 0,07 gr/hari dengan persentase serasah daun yang terdekomposisi/hilang sebesar 47,9 ± 15,5%. Potensi unsur hara dari serasah daun sebesar 0,025 ± 0,002 g C/m2/hari; dan 0,001 ± 0,0006 g N/m2/hari; serta 0,0003 ± 0,00026 g P/m2/hari. Rata-rata unsur karbon yang terlepas dari serasah daun selama proses dekomposisi sebesar 5,36 ± 2,24%, sementara untuk nitrogen sebesar 0,009 ± 0,008%, dan total phosfat sebesar 0,0012 ± 0,00038%. Biomassa dan kandungan karbon di atas dan bawah permukaan tanah sebesar 24,29 ton/ha dengan 11,4 ton C/ha, kandungan karbon tanah sebesar 127,88 ton C/ha. Total cadangan karbon mangrove di Tanjung Lesung sebesar 139,296 ton C/ha, sebesar 91,8% cadangan karbon tersimpan dalam tanah. Kemampuan menyerap CO2 atmosfer sebesar 24,522 Ton CO2/ha untuk tingkat pohon dan 4,79 Ton CO2/ha untuk tingkat anakan
Research in mangrove ecosystem of Tanjung Lesung, Banten aims to obtain information of vegetation structure and composition; production, decomposition rates, nutrient contribution of mangrove litter; and potential carbon stocks. Structure and composition of vegetation measured by quadrant method, with total observation area is 3300 m2. Litter production was collected using the litter-trap (1 x 1m) during two months. Litter decomposition rates were measured for 84 days with observations every 14 days. Carbon stock are estimated by allometric equation.The diversity of mangrove vegetation consists of 7 species from 6 families. At the tree level and sapling, vegetation is dominated by Lumnitzera racemosa has the density around 670 tree/ha and 2252 tree/ha. Litter production is about 1,571 ± 0,924 g/m2/day, that consist of leaf 1,563 ± 0,916 gr/m2/day (99,50%) and stalk 0,008 ± 0,048 gr/m2/day (0,50%). Litter decomposition rate is about 0,09 ± 0,07 gr/day with the percentage of litter decomposed of 47,9 ± 15,5%. The potential of litter nutrient are 0,025 ± 0,02 g C/m2/day; 0,001 ± 0,0006 g N/m2/day; and 0,0003 ± 0,00026 g P/m2/day. Carbon average that was detached from litter during decomposition is 5,36 ± 2,24%, while for nitrogen is 0,009 ± 0,008%, and total phosphate is 0,0012 ± 0,00038%. Biomass and carbon stock above and below the ground surface are 24,29 ton/ha with 11,4 tons C/ha. Carbon stock of sedimen mangrove is 127,88 ton C/ha. Total carbon stock of mangrove in Tanjung Lesung, Banten is about 139,296 ton C/ha, where 91,8% of them stored in sediment mangrove. The ability to absorb CO2 in atmosphere is 24,522 tons CO2/ha for trees level and 4,79 tons CO2/ha for sapling
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titing Pudiawati
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai struktur komunitas kepiting dan potensi kepiting bakau Scylla oceanica di ekosistem mangrove Kecamatan Panimbang, Banten, bertujuan untuk mengetahui stuktur komunitas kepiting dan potensikepiting bakauserta mengetahui indeks persepsi masyarakatyang tinggal di sekitar hutan mangrove. Pengambilan sampel vegetasi mangrove menggunakan metode Line Transect Plot,dan untuk sampel kepiting dilakukan dengan metoda transek pada tiga stasiun pengamatan. Setiap stasiun dibuat tiga plot dengan tiga kali ulangan. Hasil yang diperoleh ditemukan 6 jenis mangrove yaituAvicennia alba, Bruguiera sp, Excoecaria agollocha, Lumnitzera littorea, Rhizopora apiculata, dan Sonneratia alba serta4 suku kepiting dengan 14 jenis dari 354 kepiting, yaitu sukuGrapsidae, Sesarmidae, Ocypodidae, dan Dotillidae. Rata-rata kepadatan kepiting 36 ind/m2 - 43 ind/m2, indeks keanekaragaman 1,86-2,01, indeks keseragaman 0,706 - 0,763, indeks dominansi 0,142 - 0,166, dan pola distribusi mengelompok Id = 1,282-1,494 . Indeks kesamaan antara stasiun 1, 2, dan 3, hampir sama 78,01 - 85,96 . . Rata-rata kepadatan kepiting bakau Scylla oceanica yaitu 19,1ekor/100 m2. Berat kepiting bakau betina berkisar 95 ndash; 495 g dan kepiting jantan berkisar 100 ndash; 420 g. Lebar karapaks kepiting bakau betina 6,8 ndash; 14,5 cm dan kepiting bakau jantan 7,1 ndash; 13,5 cm. Pola pertumbuhan kepiting bakau jantan dan betina menunjukkan tipe allometrik negatif, dengan pola distribusi mengelompok Id = 1,5176 . Indeks persepsi masyarakat tentang potensi kepiting bakau di Panimbang, Banten tergolong baik 78 . Potensi hasil tangkapan kepiting bakau per bulan sebesar 2.820 ndash; 4.440 kg dan pendapatan penduduk dari sektor ini berkisar Rp169.200.000,00- sampai Rp266.400,00,- per-bulan.
A research has been conducted regarding the structural type of the crab community and the potential of the mangrove crab Scylla oceanica at mangrove ecosystem station Panimbang sub district, Banten. The objective of the research is to understand the structure of the crab community and the potential of the mangrove crab and to discover the perception index of communities living around the mangrove forest. Sampling of the local mangrove vegetation uses Line Transect Plot and the crabs is using the transect method at the three observation station. Three plots at each location was observed and executed three times. The result was as follows 6 types of mangrove which areAvicennia alba, Bruguiera sp, Excoecaria agollocha, Lumnitzera littorea, Rhizopora apiculata, and Sonneratia alba including 4 family of crabs from 14 species from the 354 crabs caught, which are family of Grapsidae, Sesarmidae, Ocypodidae, and Dotillidae. The population density of being 36 ind m2 43 ind m2, the diversity index of crabs is 1,86 ndash 2,01, the uniformity index of mangrove crabs is 0,706 0,763, dominancy index around 0,142 ndash 0,166, and the distribution pattern of grouping crabs Id 1,282 ndash 1,494 . Uniformity index between station 1, 2 and 3 are almost similar 78,01 85,96 . Population density of mangrove crabs Scylla oceanica are19,1 ind 100 m2. The average weight of female mangrove crabs caught were around 95 495 g, the average weight of male crabs being at 100 420 g. Diameter of carapace of the female crabs are around 6,8 ndash 14,5 cm and the average carapace diameter of male crabs were found at 7,1 ndash 13,5 cm. The growth pattern of male and female mangrove crabs is the negative aloometric type, with a grouping distribution value Id 1,5176 . The community perception index regarding the potential of the mangrove crabs at Panimbang sub district, Banten is considered good 78 . The potential catch mud crabs per month of 2.820 4.440 kg and incomes of population in this sector ranges Rp169.200.000,00 until Rp266.400.000,00 per month.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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