Welly Sugiarto Raharjo
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan manajemen stratejik untuk memetakan faktor
eksternal dan daya tarik industri jalan tol sebelum nantinya dapat mengidentifikasi
dan memitigasi risiko yang ada untuk kemudian hasilnya dikategorikan berdasarkan
kesamaan arti untuk nantinya memudahkan semua pihak dalam memprediksi risiko
dominan apa yang akan dihadapi. Tiga proyek jalan tol yang dibangun oleh PT Jasa
Marga, perusahaan operator jalan tol terbesar di Indonesia, menjadi sampel dalam
penelitian ini. Proyek jalan tol tersebut memiliki keunikan yaitu fase pembangunan
dan diperoleh dengan cara berbeda. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa risiko dominan
yang dihadapi pada tahap inisiatif proyek, persiapan, pengadaan, konstruksi dan
operasi berturut - turut adalah risiko proyek, risiko performa, risiko proyek, risiko
proyek dan risiko politis. Sedangkan solusi yang ditawarkan dapat dikategorikan
menjadi dua yakni komunikasi yang baik terhadap stakeholders dan manajemen
pengawasan yang kontinu terhadap jalannya sebuah perencanaan.
This research use strategic management approach to map external factors and toll
road industry attractiveness before identify and mitigate all risks that will be
classified later based on meaning similarity to ease all parties in predict what
dominant risk that will be faced in the future. Three toll road projects will be built by
PT Jasa Marga, the biggest toll road operator company in Indonesia, be samples in
this research. These toll road projects have their uniqueness aspect such as their
development phase and the operation permit that get in different ways. This research
show that the dominant risk that faced in project initiative, preparation, tender,
construction and operation sequentially project, performance, project, project and
political risk. Then the solution that offered can be classified in two categories such
as good stakeholders communication and continuous supervisory management
against the project development process.;This research use strategic management approach to map external factors and toll
road industry attractiveness before identify and mitigate all risks that will be
classified later based on meaning similarity to ease all parties in predict what
dominant risk that will be faced in the future. Three toll road projects will be built by
PT Jasa Marga, the biggest toll road operator company in Indonesia, be samples in
this research. These toll road projects have their uniqueness aspect such as their
development phase and the operation permit that get in different ways. This research
show that the dominant risk that faced in project initiative, preparation, tender,
construction and operation sequentially project, performance, project, project and
political risk. Then the solution that offered can be classified in two categories such
as good stakeholders communication and continuous supervisory management
against the project development process.;This research use strategic management approach to map external factors and toll
road industry attractiveness before identify and mitigate all risks that will be
classified later based on meaning similarity to ease all parties in predict what
dominant risk that will be faced in the future. Three toll road projects will be built by
PT Jasa Marga, the biggest toll road operator company in Indonesia, be samples in
this research. These toll road projects have their uniqueness aspect such as their
development phase and the operation permit that get in different ways. This research
show that the dominant risk that faced in project initiative, preparation, tender,
construction and operation sequentially project, performance, project, project and
political risk. Then the solution that offered can be classified in two categories such
as good stakeholders communication and continuous supervisory management
against the project development process., This research use strategic management approach to map external factors and toll
road industry attractiveness before identify and mitigate all risks that will be
classified later based on meaning similarity to ease all parties in predict what
dominant risk that will be faced in the future. Three toll road projects will be built by
PT Jasa Marga, the biggest toll road operator company in Indonesia, be samples in
this research. These toll road projects have their uniqueness aspect such as their
development phase and the operation permit that get in different ways. This research
show that the dominant risk that faced in project initiative, preparation, tender,
construction and operation sequentially project, performance, project, project and
political risk. Then the solution that offered can be classified in two categories such
as good stakeholders communication and continuous supervisory management
against the project development process.]
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library