Ishak Djoko Sujono
Abstrak :
Pemimpin yang baik akan menghasilkan efektivitas kepemimpinan dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya di rumah sakit, pimpinan rumah sakit memerlukan dukungan para manajer yang baik, termasuk para kepala ruangan. Rekruitment kepala ruangan yang terstruktur dengan baik diharapkan menjadi sumbangan yang berharga dalam meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan rumah sakit, dan dengan meningkatnya mutu pelayanan pada akhirnya akan mengangkat citra rumah sakit menjadi lebih baik lagi.
Rendahnya kinerja para perawat pelaksana dan kinerja kepemimpinan para kepala ruangan rawat imp di RSUD Serang pada 2 penelitian tahun 2001 dan 2002 menjadi dorongan untuk melakukan penelitian di kalangan kepala ruangan. Penelitian ditujukan kepada 21 kepala ruangan di RSUD Serang dan dilakukan sejak 1 April 2003 sampai dengan 30 Juni 2003, merupakan cross sectional survey , dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif yang dilanjutkan dengan penelitian kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan yang sesuai bagi kepala ruangan di RSUD Serang adalah Participating, dan kemudian Selling Tingkat fleksibilitas kepemimpinan sebagian besar sedang/normal (76,2%) dan sebagian kecil lainnya ( 23,8%) tinggi. Efekiivitas kepemimpinan sebagian besar (81,0%) sedang normal, namun 19,0% memiliki tingkat efektivitas tinggi. Terlihat bahwa faktor kebutuhan psikologis Deference (kebutuhan akan kerendahan hati), Order (kebutuhan akan keteraturan), Affiliation (kebutuhan akan afiliasi atau kerjasama), Nurturunce (kebutuhan akan pengasuhan) dan Endurance (kebutuhan akan daya tahan) merupakan kebutuhan psikologis yang sesuai di lingkungan kesehatan, dan oleh karenanya perlu dimiliki oleh Para perawat dan kepala ruangan pada tingkatan sedang atau tinggi, tidak boleh rendah. Penelitian memperlihatkan model kepala ruangan yang memiliki efektivitas kepemimpinan yang tinggi yang diperoleh melalui tes LBA II dan EPPS. Dari model tersebut dapat dilihat bagaimana hubungan antara faktor kebutuhan psikologis, karakteristik pribadi, fleksibilitas kepemimpinan, gaya kepemimpinan, dan efektivitas kepemimpinan kepala ruangan di RSUD Serang.
Disarankan untuk melakukan perbaikan pola rekruitmen bagi kepala ruangan dengan melakukan penyesuaian profit kepala ruangan yang memiliki efektivitas yang tinggi seperti apa yang telah dirumuskan dalam saran. Diajukan sebagai tambahan alat seleksi calon kepala ruangan adalah uji kepemimpinan dengan tes LBA II dari Paul Hersey dan Kenneth Blanchard, dan uji kebutuhan psikologis dengan tes EPPS dari Allen L Edward.
Datar Bacaan : 23 ( 1981-2002 )
The Relationship Study Between Factors of Psychological Needs and Individual Characteristics Within Leadership Styles of The Chief of Wards in Serang District's General Hospital, 2003A good leader will produces an effectiveness in his successful leadership in fulfilling the organization objectives and goals. In running the hospital, director needs supports from qualified managers, including chief of wards. A good structure recruitment processes will give a good contribution In enhancing the hospital services performance, and by improving quality of services, the image of the hospital will be better.
Poor performance profile of nurses and chief of wards in Nursing of Serang District's General Hospital as shown in the last two studies conducted in year 2001 by Kuntarto and year 2002 by Mulyati already pushed me to make a far studies in the leadership of chief of wards area. The studies were involved 21 chief of wards of Serang District's General Hospital as respondents and already conducted from April, 1", 2003 to June, 30th, 2003, designed as a cross sectional survey, a combined studies of a quantitative study which was continued by a qualitative study.
This studies shown that the leadership styles which good as chief of wards leadership's styles were a Participating style as the first choice, and a Selling style as the second choice. Most of the level of leadership flexibility were in a moderate degree (76,2%) and a small portion of them were in a high degree (23,8%). The leadership effectiveness were in a moderate degree (81,0%), but 19,0% of respondent are in a high degree of leadership effectiveness. It was shown that psychological need factors of Deference, Order, Affiliation, Nurturance and Endurance were matched or conformed with health services and nursing care, so nurses and their chief of wards much be build in with a normal degree or a high degree of these psychological need factors, and none in a low degree of these need factors. This study shown a highly effective chief of wards model as a result of LBA Il and EPPS test's result . From this model we can see how the relationships between psychological need's factor, individual's characteristics, the leadership flexibility, the leadership styles, and the leadership's effectiveness of the chief of wards in Serang District's General Hospital were.
It was suggested to develop a recruitment model for the chief of wards in Serang District's General Hospital by adopt a highly effective leadership of the chief of ward profile as wrote in suggestion. It was presented as an additional tools or instruments to be used in selection 1 recruitment of the chief of wards were LBA .I1 from Paul Hersey & Kenneth Banchard as a leadership test instrument, and EPPS from Allen L Edward as a psychological need's factor test instrument.
References : 23 ( 1981-2002 )
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2003
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