Rizka Hasanah
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang berhubungan dengan keinginan pindah kerja perawat RSU Bhakti Yudha. Variabel yang diteliti adalah karakteristik perawat, faktor pendorong dan faktor penarik. Karakteristik meliputi umur, jenis kelamin, status perkawinan, pendidikan terakhir, jarak rumah ke tempat kerja, jumlah anak yang dimiliki, lama kerja dan status kepegawaian. Faktor pendorong antara lain meliputi persepsi terhadap kompensasi RS, sistem kerja keperawatan, pengembangan karir dan lingkungan kerja. Faktor penarik meliputi persepsi terhadap kesempatan kerja dan kompensasi perawat RS lain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif secara cross sectional pada 95 perawat. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat. Analisis bivariat menggunakan T Test, Annova dan Korelasi Regresi, sedangkan multivariat menggunakan Regresi Linear Ganda. Pemodelan bivariat dengan menggunakan metode enter. Hasil analisis didapatkan kompensasi RS dan kompensasi perawat RS lain yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan keinginan pindah kerja perawat.Saran untuk rumah sakit berdasarkan hasil penelitian adalah RS perlu meninjau ulang mengenai cara pemberian kompensasi terutama uang lembur kepada perawat dan RS diharapkan mempertimbangkan standar kompensasi perawat RS lain dalam memberikan kompensasi.
......The aim of this thesis is to analyze of factors associated with desire to move (Turnover Intention) of Nurse In Bhakti Yudha Public Hospital In 2013. Variable which researched is charactheristics of nurse are age, sex, marrital state, the last education, the distance between house and hospital, the amount of children, the lenght of employment, and the state of employment . The Push factors which the perceptions of compensation oh hospital, nursing work system, career development, and work environment. The pull factors containe the opportunity of job and the level compensation of the other hospital. The methode of research which used is quantitatively with cross sectional design which done for ninety five nurses. The analyses which used is univariate, bivariate, multivariate. Bivariat Analysis use T Test, Anova and Regression Correlation, whereas multivariate Regreesion of Binary Logistic. Bivariate model use enter methode. The result of analysis is gained The perseption of Compensation of hospital and the other hospital have the most infuence variable which correlated with turnover intention. The suggestions for Bhakti Yudha hospital are based on the result of analysis are reviewing about its compensation especialliy overtime payment compensation to the nurses and Bhakti Yudha hospital is expected reviewing about the compensation of the other hospital in compensation giving
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library