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Sri Astuti
Abstrak :
Studi Keankaragaman Hayati Di Situs Song Keplek Punung Pegunungan Sewu, Kabupaten Pacitan, Jawa Timur Pasca Sarjana Biologi-FMIPAUI,2000 Penelitian fosil polen dan spora di Danau Wuyang Warak dan Kerta Gebang Kawasan karst Pegunungan Sewu, Jawa Timur, dilakukan pada 3 periode, yaitu : 20 - 23 Desember 1997, 26 28 April 1998, dan tanggal 7 - 8 Maret 1999. Pengambilan contoh tanah dilakukan dengan teknik pengeboran sampai kedalaman ± 6 m. Di setiap lokasi diambil masing-masing dua contoh tanah. Pengamatan polen dan spora menggunakan mikroskop binokuler transmisi merek Leits dengan perbesaran 1.250 kali. Determinasi dilakukan pada foto polen menggunakan buku- buku acuan ; Erdtman (1943 & 1986), Hyde & Adams (1958), Kapp (1969), Huang (1972), Moore & Webb (1978), Morley (1977), Murillo & Bless (1978) dan foto-foto koleksi laboratorium eksploitasi LEMIGAS, Jakarta serta preparat dan slide yang telah teridentifikasi. Hasil identifikasi fosil polen dan spora mengindikasikan bahwa di daerah penelitian pernah menjadi habitat bagi tumbuhan mangrove, back mangrove, hutan rawa air tawar, hutan hujan pegunungan bawah, hutan hujan pegunungan atas dan bawah, serta riparian. Masyarakat di kawasan karst Kecamatan Punung Pegunungan Sewu mengupas lapisan kapur pada lahan yang datar dan setengah miring untuk dijadikan sawah dan kebun serta menanam jenis tanaman yang dianggap mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi tanpa mernperdulikan kemampuan medium tumbuh. Pola eksploitasi pertanian tradisional yang ada yaitu pola pertanian di Pulau Jawa yang intensif dan pola di luar Pulau Jawa dengan cara tebas bakar dan masa kosong. Pola pertanian di kawasan karst Pegunungan Sewu berkembang akibat adanya pertambahan penduduk, pemekaran pemukiman dan daerah pertanian yang menggunakan pola bertani intensif dengan memanfaatkan daerah-daerah marginal atau hutan lindung.
Situs Song Keplek is one of the pre-historic sites which is located at Kecamatan Punung apart the Sewu mountain limestone formation right in the border of Central and East Java provinces. The limestone formation of the Sewu mountain had undergone several physiographic transformations since the Pleistocene time or from two million years ago up to the present. This study is intended to describe past ecosystem Situs Song Keplek based on fossilized pollens and spores escavated from the sites and present floral composition of the situs. The research was carried (conducted) out in three different visits on December 20 - 23, 1997; April 26 - 28 1998, and March 7 - 8 1999. The fossil samples were taken from the bottom or the sediment of Wuyang Warak lake which is still watered up until today and Kerta Gebang lake which is only seasonally watered. The study identified 53 species of 29 families of plants. In Wuyang Warak lake, it was found 29 species of angiosperms and 9 species of pteridophytes with high frequency of Monoprites annulatus (83 pollens), followed by Cyatides sp. (50 spores), Blechnum fraxineum (46 spores), Lycopodium elavatum (28 spores), Podocarpus amaurus (28 pollens), and Lycopodium microphyllum (27 spores). In Kerta Gebang lake, there were 17 species of angiosperms and 18 species of pteridophytes with high frequency of Monoprites annulatus (210 pollens), followed by Podocarpus amaurus (163 pollens), Pteris ensiformis (17 spores), Selaginella sp. (11 spores), and Mimosa sp. (10 pollens). Sorensen similarity indeks reveals an index of 24% similarity of pollens and spores between two lakes.This figure indicates that the two locations were different in term of their floral compositions which were probably due to their different physiographic environment altitude during the past. Approximately about 10000 years ago, the sites probably composed of the mangrove back mangrove fresh water tropical rain forest and riparian ecosystems. The incontinuity of the vegetation pattern in the area could be related to the change of the climate as well as by the presence of human being in the environment since long time. The findings of Wuyang Warak and Kerta Gebang lakes show a similarity with those of Julianto (1994) who conducted a research in Nampol formation, Jaten formation, and Andjarwati (2000) who conducted a research in Situs Kali Banjar and Situs Gua Tabuhan. The pollen and spore fossils found in Jaten formation concisted of 53 species and 5 families of plants, while in Jaten formation concisted of 32 species and 5 families of plants, in Situs Kali Banjar, the pollen and spore fossils were from 21 familiesof plants and in Situs Gua Tabuhan were from 16 families of plants. Karst vegetation of the Sewu mountain is not various and mostly composed of wild bushes grows covering the slope of the hill. This is because the people replace the formely existing forest with vegetation of economic value. Our record on the Baduy practice of agriculture, indicates that traditional wisdom contribute to the conservation of the environment as well as the variety of the local plants and forest. The slash and burn practice of agriculture does not disturb the soil surface, hence proverigation of the soil is prevented.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hari Tri Budianto
Abstrak :
The decrease of rice-field area is one of causes of decreasing rice production in Indonesia. Physical development in many sectors has been converting rice field area into others such as industry, high ways, settlement and other agricultural areas. Because of limited possibility to extent rice field area, one of the efforts of increasing rice production is to implement intensification program.
Rice paddy intensification program relates to "green revolution". Reaching success in 1984 indicated by rice self sufficiency in the year of 1984. This modernization is considered of new rice farming technology application, which is popular by the term of Panca Usaha Tani (Pranadji, 1993). Five elements of Panca Usaha Tani are well soil preparation, prime seed, irrigation sufficient and regular, optimal application of fertilizer and pesticide.
Karawang is one regency in West Java Province that considered as one of national rice producing areas. This region is strategic, because it is relatively flat and located in the area of Jatiluhur irrigation. These are the reasons of Karawang chosen as a model of rice paddy intensification program.
The research title is "Pemodelan Indeks Tingkat Keberhasilan Intensifikasi Sawah di Kabupaten Karawang MT 1998/1999 dan MT 1999". The objective of the research is to determine successfulness index of rice paddy intensification in Karawang Regency. The index is based on qualification of existing soil quality, efforts conducted, and rice production. By comparing each index of each kecamatan, it can be seen level of successfulness of the kecamatan in implementing intensification program, and it can be identified what factors must be improved in order to increase rice production in those kecamatan.
The research questions are (1) Where is the highest and lowest of successfulness index in Karawang on growing season of the year 1998/1999 and 1999? and (2) How is the consistence of the index?
The research method employed is GIS, using overlay, classification and scoring techniques with kecamatan as analytical unit.
The results indicate that the highest indeces are in the southern part of Kabupaten Karawang, especially in the area of "excellent" and "poor" soil quality. Those are Kecamatan Cikampek and Telukjambe. The lowest indices are in the Northern and central of Karawang Regency, particularly on the "excellent" soil quality, Those are Kecamatan Tirtajaya and Rengasdengklok.
The results also indicate that the values of indices are consistence in measuring the level of successfulness in rice paddy intensification program in Karawang Regency in growing season of the year 1998/1999 and 1999.

Depok: Fakultas Matematika Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elvi Misjihadiah
Abstrak :
Homegarden Ecology : The Structure, Pattern of Homegarden and Correlation Between Economic - Social Factors of People Community Around Lembah Harau Nature Reserve West Sumatra and Plant Diversity. A research has been done on the structure and pattern of homegarden and correlation between economic - social factors of people community and plant diversity. The research was conducted in two villages around the Lembah Harau Nature Reserve (LHNR), Harau subdistrict, the regencies of Lima Puluh Kota, West Sumatra. The villages are Desa Harau, located in the north side of LHNR, and Desa Tarantang Lubuk Limpato, located in south side and the west side of LHNR. The data were collected from October 2000 up to January 2001. The research was non experimental with a Stratified Random Sampling Method. Data of plant density, frequency, and dominance were used to calculate Important value index, Shannon diversity index (H), Jaccard similarity index (ISJ), and Shannon equitability index (E). The community economic - social factors data, as independent variables, and the plant diversity, as a dependent variable, were analyzed using the multiple regression analysis to produce the regression equality model. This research found 270 species of plants from 76 family. The plants were grouped into 11 categories. There were 33 species of fruit plants, 23 species of industrial plants, 29 species of vegetable plants, 60 species of traditionally medicinal plants, 3 species of food plants, 21 species of flavor plants, 62 species of ornamental plants, 5 species of plants for spiritual events, 8 species of traditional cosmetic plants, 55 species of weeds, and the remaining 47 species grouped into miscellaneous plants. The patterns of homegarden usage were different in two villages. In Desa Tarantang Lubuk Limpato the tree level was dominated by industrial plants and the belta level was dominated by fruit plants. On the other hand, in Desa Harau the tree level was dominated by fruit plants and the belta level was dominated by industrial plants. Artocarpus dadah, Artocarpus elasticus, Ficus ampelas, Ficus annulata, Ficus auranticea, Ficus benjamina, Ficus glandulifera, Ficus parietalis, Ficus caulocarpa, and Ficus aurata from Moraceae family were grown and spread surround the homegarden and their bennefit are still unknown by the local society. The pattern of plant stratification showed the stratification pattern was similar to a forest. Based on the formation of canopy coat, there were five strata, i.e. stratum A (>20m), stratum B (15-20m), stratum C (10-15m), stratum D (5-10m), dan stratum E (0-5m). The diversity of plant species at homegarden for tree level were strongly correlated with size of homegarden and income of respondent (R2=0,601)_ At belta level, besides of size of homegarden and income of respondent, long period of resident also had a strong correlation (R2=0,721) with the diversity of plant. At seedling level and ground cover there were weak correlations of the plant diversity with size of house (R2=0,073). Plant species which dominated homegarden was probably caused by the change of homegarden function. Increase of economic condition of people may cause decreasing in plant diversity at homegarden, especially indiginous plant species.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siagian, Reinhard
Abstrak :
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur dan komposisi komunitas jenis tumbuhan bawah di areal Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango.° Penelitian dilakukan di tiga lokasi yaitu lereng bawah, lereng atas, dan punggung bukit.° Pengumpulan data dilakukan dari bulan April hingga September 1999.

Pencacahan flora menggunakan metode berpetak dengan 2 buah transek sepanjang 275 m. Pada setiap transek dibuat 25 petak berukuran lx1 m dengan jarak 10 m antar petak.

Hasil pencacahan tumbuhan bawah pada 150 petak lx1 m2 di tiga lokasi penelitian Gunung Masigit mencatat 43 jenis tumbuhan yang tergolong ke dalam 39 marga dan 35 suku, dengan jenis-jenis utama Dipteris conjugata, Blechnum finlaysonianum, Impatiens javensis, tlrena lobata, Reds sp, Elatostemma sp, Smilax zeylanica, Schima wallrchrr, Phaius sp, Vitis adnanta, Dendrochyllum sp, Cyperus sp.

Sebaran jenis tumbuhan bawah di lokasi penelitian, khususnya di Lereng Bawah dan Punggung Bukit, sangat heterogen. Penyebaran jenisjenis tertentu umumnya tidak terkait dengan sebaran jenis-jenis iainnya. Komunitas tumbuhan bawah di Lereng Bawah dan Lereng Atas dapat disebut sebagai komunitas Dipteris conjugate, sedangkan di Punggung Bukit disebut asosiasi D.conjugata-B.fnlaysonianum. Karakteristik tumbuhan bawah di lokasi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunitas tumbuhan di sana telah mengalami gangguan. Kadar air lapangan yang dimiliki jenis-jenis dominan seperti Dipteris conjugata dan Blechnum finlaysonianum, yang hanya sekitar 30 %, memiliki resiko.tjnggi terhadap bahaya kebakaran.
Composition and Structures Community Lowland Fires in Gunung Masigit and Preliminary Study of Natural Regeneration Forest Fire Gunung Masigit, G. Gede-Pangrango National ParkGunung Gede Pangrango National Park, is one of the Long-term Ecological Research Site in Indonesia. In the late 1997, the fires have burnt and destroyed nearly 300 ha forest in this park . Of nine location of hot spots recognized G.Masigit was the largest burnt area with the tot& of 250 ha . Undergrowth vegetation got the most severe impacts. Almost undergrowth vegetation in various location in study site were totally burnt. However, with in three months following burning new seedlings such as Omalanthus populneus, Macaranga tanarius , Trema orientalis appeared in the forest floor.°

Abdulhadi et al. (1999) reported that those species were found as the component of seed bank in a permanent plot of this forest. Thus, it is believed that those seedlings might be recruited from seed bank or seed rain.

The objective of the research is to find out the composition and structure of undergrowth forest a community after forest fire in Gunung Masigit, G. Gede-Pangrango National Park.

Data collection were carried out between April and September 1999 at three areas, i.e. upper slope, lower slope, ridge. Four transects of 275 m were established within each site; each two transects established in burnt and unburnt forest. A long the each 275 m transect 25 plots of l x1 m were established with the interval of 10 m.

A total of 43 species belong to 39 genera and 35 families were recorded within 150 plots of unburnt sites. The dominant species of the unburnt sites were Dipteris conjugata, Blechnum fnlaysonianum, Impatiens javensis, Urena lobalata, Pteris sp, Elatostemma sp, Smilax zeylanica, Schima wallichii, Phaius sp, Vitis adnanta, Dendrochy1/um sp, Cyperus sp.

Based on their important value indices (I V I) the plant communities in lower and upper slopes were called Dipteris conjugata community, while in ridge site was an association of D_conjugata and Blechnum fin/aysonianum. The composition of undergrowth forest community observed during this study clearly indicated that G. Masigit has experienced some kind of disturbance before the fire in the late 1997.

Field water capacities of the dominant plants of the undergrowth forest were about 30 %. It is believed that this condition makes the forest is under high risk of fires.

The species richness of born sites was higher than in unburnt sites due to occurrence of the secondary species such as Melastoma balatrichum and Omalanthus populneus, that were not found in the unburnt site. There were 38 species found on the ridge, as the richest site, followed by upper slope 33 species , and the lower slope 21 species. Based on the life form, the undergrowth species in burning area can be classified to 18 species of trees, 6 species of shrubs, 9 species of lianas, 15 species of herbs, and 5 species of ferns.

The undergrowth forest community in burnt sites was dominated by herbs and ferns indicated that the community was still in an early succession. The LVI of plant communities in burnt site showed that the lower slope was the association of Pteris sp-Flatostemma sp., the upper slope was a community of Cyperus sp, and the ridge was the association of Cyperus sp-Pteris sp.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djamhuriyah S. Said
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan variasi kromosom dan karyotipe 5 spesies ikan pelangi Irian, yaitu Glossolepis incisus, Melanotaenia boesemani, M. lacustris, M. maccuilochi, dan M. praecox. Sel metafase diperoleh menggunakan teknik jaringan padat. Larva ikan direndam dalam kolkisin dosis 0,07--0,09% selama 7,5 -- 9,0 jam dan dianalisis setelah diwarnai dengan Giemsa. Glossolepis incisus, M. boesemani, M.macculfochi, dan M. praecox masing-masing memiliki 48 kromosom diploid, sedangkan M. lacustris memiliki 46 kromosom diploid. Karyotipe G. incisusterdiri dari 7 pasang kromosom berbentuk subtelosentrik (ST), dan 17 pasang Iainnya berbentuk telosentrik (). Karyotipe M. boesemani terdiri dari 4 pasang kromosom berbentuk ST dan 20 T, M maccullochi terdiri dari 4 pasang ST dan 20 T, dan M. praecox terdiri dari 1 ST dan 23 pasang Iainnya berbentuk T. Karyotipe M. lacustris terdiri dari 9 pasang submetasentrik (SM), 3 ST, dan 10 T. Selain itu pada M. lacustris juga diperoleh sepasang kromosom yang tidak identik yang diduga sebagai kromosom seks. Karyotipe Melanotaeniidae cenderung didominasi oleh bentuk T. Terdapat spesifikasi perlakuan kolkisin dalam memperoleh sel metafase dengan sebaran kromosom terbaik, dan terdapat keanekaragaman karyotipe pada 5 spesies ikan pelangi Irian. Perkerabatan antara G. incises dengan M. lacustris diduga relatif tidak dekat dibandingkan antara G. incisus dengan spesies lainnya. ......Karyotipe and Hybridization of Irian's Rainbowfish, (Melanotaeniidae)Rainbowfish (Melanotaeniidae family) have several species (i.e. Melanotaenia, Glossolepis) that are endemic in Irian Jaya. Attractive color and shape of this fish have an economical value (especially the male fish) as the ornamental fish, that caused the exploitation of this fish so intensified. The problem of this fish are poor biological (genetics) information, and in rearing are low survival rate, growth rate, and male percentage. Therefore, a genetic research (such as cytogenetic) and genetic manipulation (i.e. hybridization) of this fish are needed. Cytogenetic study of this fish was focussed on the karyotype to identify characteristics of chromosomes_ This research was conducted from March 2000 at Laboratory of Genetic and Fish Reproduction, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga Bogor. And further the hybridization is carried out to get a good performance of hybrid in case of growth rate, survival rate, and male percentage. This research was conducted from October 1999 at R & D Center for Limnology-LIPI, Cibinong-Bogor. Fish samples (G. incisuslGi, M. boesemani/Mb, M. IacustrislMl, M. maccullochilMm, and M. praecox/Mp) were collected from R & D Center for Limnology-LIPI, Cibinong. Chromosome plates were prepared by solid tissue technique from 10-30 days old larvae and were analyzed after staining with Giemsa. Some larvae were exposed to 0.07-0.09 % colchicine for 7.5-9 hours, then to 0.075M KCI hypotonic solution for 90-100 minutes,and finally were fixed with Carnoy's solution. The intergenus hybridization (reciprocal) among these species by pairing a couple of broodstock of each species. Observation were conducted in three replicates on fertilization rate (FR), length of incubation period of hatching (LIP), hatching rate (HR), survival rate (SR), growth rate, and male percentage. Diploid chromosomes number of these fish are 46-48. Karyotyping of G. incisus showed that 48 chromosomes consist of 7 subtelocentrics (ST) and 17 telocentrics (T). Karyotyping of M. boesemani showed 48 chromosomes consist of 4 ST and 20 T. Karyotyping of M. lacustris showed 46 chromosomes consist of 9 submetacentrics (SM), 3 ST, and 10 T with 1 ST and I T on the no.23. This result indicates that M. lacustris has a sex chromosome. Karyotyping of M. maccullochi showed 48 chromosomes consist of 4 ST and 20 T and karyotyping of M. praecox showed 48 chromosomes consist of 1 ST and 23 T. There were differences in chromosomes numbers and 13 chromosomes pairs between G. incisus and M. lacustris according to the morphological analysis. Based on these evidences, it is suggested that 2 species is not closely related compared to the others. The highest hatching rate was demonsrated from crossing between a G.incisus x M. lacustris, whereas crossing of a M.lacustris x G.incisus resulted a total mortality of embryos three days after spawning, and the crossing between 31 G.incisus x 9 M. praecox were failed to spawn. Among those hybrids, were found that c M.praecox x 9 G.incisus showing the highest growth rate, whereas the highest survival rate (SR) was shown by the d G.incisus x 9M.boesemani crossing. Crossing of cG.incisus x 9M. lacustris and oM_ maccullochi x9 G.incisus resulted 100% male (monosex hybrids), while the other combinations increased the male percentage.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Protease asam yang dihasilkan oleh kapang memiliki peranan penting dalam industri pangan dan farmasi. Rhizopus spp. merupakan salah satu jenis kapang yang memiliki aktivitas proteolitik dan tidak menghasilkan toksin. Kemampuan Rhizopus dalam menghasilkan enzim proteolitik bervariasi baik antar spesies maupun antar galur dalam spesies yang sama. Untuk memperoleh enzim dengan aktivitas proteolitik yang tinggi, perlu diperhatikan faktor lingkungan yang mempengaruhi aktivitasnya. Tingkat keasaman (pH) dan suhu merupakan faktor lingkungan yang sangat menentukan aktivitas enzim proteolitik. Setiap enzim memiliki pH optimum yang khas, yaitu pH lingkungan yang menyebabkan aktivitasnya maksimum. Enzim yang dihasilkan oleh mikroorganisme juga mempunyai suhu optimum tertentu untuk mengkatalisis suatu reaksi enzimatis.

Indonesia dikenal kaya akan keanekaragaman hayati kapang. Untuk memanfaatkan keanekaragaman hayati kapang indigenous Indonesia, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui potensi produksi protease asam ekstra selular dari Rh. microsporus v. Tiegh. var. rhizopodiformis (Cohn) Schipper & Stalpers dan Rh. microsporus v. Tiegh. var. chinensis (Saito) Schipper & Stalpers koleksi University of Indonesia Culture Collection (UICC). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui potensi biakan Rh. microsporus var. rhizopodiformis UICC 519, 520, dan Rh. microsporus var. chinensis UICC 521 dalam menghasilkan enzim proteolitik, dan penentuan waktu fermentasi, pH, dan suhu optimum aktivitas proteolitik pada kapang terpilih.

Aktivitas proteolitik semi kuantitatif dari ketiga biakan dipelajari berdasarkan kemampuannya membentuk zona bening pada medium 4% (b/v) Skim Milk Agar (SMA) dengan cara pencawanan (plating) spora tunggal pada suhu ruang selama 28-29 jam. Filtrat kultur fermentasi Rh. microsporus var. rhizopodiformis UICC 520 yang diekstraksi dari medium dedak padi digunakan untuk uji aktivitas proteolitik. Uji aktivitas proteolitik kuantitatif dari filtrat kultur dilakukan dengan mengukur jumlah tirosin yang dihasilkan dari hidrolisis substrat kasein pada suhu suhu 37°C ± 2°C selama 30 menit. Setiap labu yang berisi medium fermentasi steril diinokulasi dengan 1 ml suspensi spora Rh. microsporus var. rhizopodiformis UICC 520 yang berisi 3,9-4,6 x(10 pangkat 5)koloni/ml. Medium fermentasi selanjutnya diinkubasi pada suhu ruang (26--30°C) tanpa pengocokan. Protease kasar diekstraksi dari medium fermentasi pada 0, 24, 48, 72, 96, dan 120 jam untuk mengetahui waktu fermentasi optimum. Untuk menentukan pH optimum aktivitas proteolitik, kasein sebagai substrat enzim dilarutkan dalam larutan dapar hingga diperoleh pH 2,0; 3,0; 4,0; 5,0; 6,0; 7,0; dan 8,0. Untuk menentukan suhu optimum aktivitas proteolitik, sampel direaksikan dengan substrat kasein 0,7% (b/v) dalam dapar glisin-HCI pH 3,0 dan dinkubasikan pada suhu 35, 40, 45, 50, dan 55°C.

Berdasarkan diameter zona bening yang terbentuk dari pertumbuhan spora tunggal pada medium SMA dapat disimpulkan bahwa Rh. microsporus var. rhizopodiformis UICC 520 memiliki kemampuan menghasilkan protease lebih cepat dibandingkan Rh. microsporus var. rhizopodiformis UICC 519 dan Rh. microsporus var. chinensis UICC 521 dalam waktu yang sama (28-29 jam). Aktivitas proteolitik Rh. microsporus var. rhizopodiformis UICC 520 dengan medium fermentasi dedak padi mencapai maksimum, yaitu sebesar 0,0944 U/ml pada inkubasi selama 72 jam. Peningkatan aktivitas proteolitik yang cepat diikuti dengan penurunan pH filtrat kultur.

Enzim proteolitik dalam filtrat kultur Rh. microsporus var. rhizopodiformis UICC 520 aktif pada kisaran pH substrat 2,0-6,0 dan memiliki dua puncak aktivitas, yaitu puncak tertinggi pada substrat kasein dengan pH 2,0-3,0 (0,0772--0,0912 U/ml) dan puncak aktivitas kedua yang lebih rendah dari puncak pertama, yaitu pada pH substrat 5,0-6,0 (0,0603-0,0649 U/ml). Enzim proteolitik dari filtrat kuitur Rh. microsporus var. rhizopodiformis UICC 520 aktif pada kisaran suhu 35--50°C. Aktivitas proteolitik tertinggi diperoleh pada suhu 45° C.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Aspergilli moulds were isolated from 27 Indonesian tobacco samples, which were collected from different areas in Indonesia. Isolation of moulds was carried out by direct plating in Tauge Extract Agar (TEA) medium and representative colonies were isolated. Identification was carried out in Czapek . Dox Agar (CDA) and Malt Extract Agar (MEA) media based on macroscopic and microscopic observation of colony morphology. Total aspergilli moulds identified were 44 isolates, which consisted of 11 species. Asp. awamori (14 isolates) was the dominant species followed by Asp. flavus (13 isolates). ......The capability of 13 isolates of Asp. flavus to produce aflatoxin B1 was investigated. The isolates were cultivated in a semisynthetic liquid medium for aflatoxin B1 production, followed by extraction with organic solvents and quantification by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that only 12 isolates were able to produce aflatoxin al and the average concentration ranged from 3.28 to 351.26 ppb.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Much Taufik Tri Hermawan
Abstrak :
Research on usable of Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park and Botanical Garden to develop the conservation education has been carried out, but the available information due to the package of conservation education using both of conservation areas is stilt lacking. The aim of this study is to measure and compare conservation education packages, which have conducted at Gunung Gede Pangrango and Bogor Botanical Garden. The compiling information from this study will be useful as a contribution to develop the program of conservation education as well as to increase the management of conservation area. The comparative study was conducted in two conservation area, the Gunung Gede Pangrango (representative for in situ conservation), and Bogor Botanical Garden (for ex situ conservation), using a questionnaire method, document analyzing, field observation, and measure the progress of the institutional development using matrix of the Institutional Development Framework ( IDF ). Correspondence is the key-person from institutions who responsible in organizing the conservation education program. The conclusion of this study was that the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park is more diverse in having potential interpretation material compare to that of Bogor Botanical Garden, especially the available concepts of ecology and conservation in species and ecosystem level. In comparison, the Bogor. Botanical Garden has relatively more facilities on species interpretation. The conservation education program at both areas has limit goal, only covered the awareness and knowledge, and not completed with the education evaluation, which measured the impact of education on conservation for the participants. Covering the goal of the education, usable of flagship species and education evaluation might develop the quality of the program at both areas. Both of the institutions have limit facilities and skill to develop the package of the conservation education program, therefore they need cooperation with other institution as a partner. The study also identified that the Partners have a good contribution on developing the package of the Conservation education program as well as provide human resources. Some partners have provided the technical and facilities for educating, however none of the four NGO's which cooperate with the two institutions (Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park and Bogor Botanical Garden) in sustainability stage at institutional; development continuum. It seem that their institutional development progress will influence the existing packages for educating conservation program, which prepared at Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park and Bogor Botanical Garden.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Anita Suryandari
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Ruang lingkup dan cara penelitian : Ekspresi suatu gen di dalam bakteri dapat diubah melalui proses mutasi dengan cara menyisipkan gen lain ke dalam gen tersebut. Mutasi yang terjadi dapat diketahui dengan adanya gen penanda Salah satu diantaranya adalah gen pembentuk inti es yaitu gen iceC. Gen ini memiiiki sensitivitas yang cukup tinggi, mudah diamati pada lembaran aluminium, dapat diukur secara kuantitatif dengan uji tetes beku, tidak membutuhkan pemrosesan lain kecuali pengenceran dan hasilnya akan diperoleh hanya dalam beberapa menit. Sebagai bahan mutagen dan sekaligus sebagai pembawa gen iceC digunakan transposon 916 karena transposon ini menyisip secara tunggal, tidak membuat duplikasi, penyisipan terjadi secara acak, relatif stabil dan tidak mudah terjadi transposisi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang alat genetik yang dapat digunakan untuk menginduksi mutagenesis gen di dalam bakteri dengan melihat pembentukan inti es. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah menggabungkan gen iceC dengan (pAM120::Tn916)-.HindIII menggunakan enzim ligase kemudian ditransformasi ke dalam E coli S17-1. Selanjutnya dilakukan studi pendahuluan di dalam bakteri golongan mikoplasmayaitu Urealiasma urealytcum. Hasil dan kesimpulan : Penggabungan gen iceC (9kb) dengan (pAM120::Tn916)-HindIII(23,3 kb) dengan menggunakan enzim ligase membentuk fragmen DNA berukuran 32,3 kb yang dinamakan pUL Hasil uji aktivitas pembentukan inti espada E coli DH5α(pJL1703::iceC), E. coli S17-1 (pUI::iceC) dsn Ureaplasma urealyticum relatif sama. Pembentukan inti es mulai aktif pada suhu -7°C. Terbentuknya inti es pada E. cali S17-1 dan Ureaplasma urealyticum karena adanya transformasi transposon916 yang membawa gen iceC.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Surbakti, Suriani Br
Abstrak :
This research was carried out to study the diversity of Rhizopus in Irian Jaya. Tempe samples were collected from regions in Irian Jaya. The aim of this research was to Isolate and Identify Rhizopus spp. from traditionally made tempe, to make usar from the Rhizopus sp. isolates, and to produce tempe from the chosen usar.

Isolation was done using direct plating method. Nineteen Rhizopus spp. isolates have been isolated from soybean tempe collected from several regions in Irian Jaya. Examination of their morphological characteristics, growth temperature, and spore ornamentation, showed that eighteen isolates belong to the Rh. microsporus group: two isolates were Rh. microsporus var. oligosporus, sixteen isolates were Rh. microsporus var. chinensis. One isolate was Rh. oryzae.

The isolates were examined for their ability to produce usar. Out of the nineteen isolates that were tested, only seven produced good usar (inoculum): six isolates from Rh. microsporus var. chinensis, and one of Rh. oryzae. The amount of spores before and after inoculum production were determined by Total Plate Count (TPC) method. The average of viable spores from all isolates before the inoculum production was ((2.5-3.2)x14' cetllmly, and after the inoculum production was ((1.2-1.8)x104 celllg). The usars (Inocula) from seven Isolates were examined to produce tempe. The Rh. oryzae inoculum produced better tempe than the Rh. microsporus var. chinensis Inoculum based on colour, texture, aroma and shelf-life.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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